Monday, April 6, 2015

Coily Cord Simulator

This is not a new or original idea. But, I am suddenly fired up about it since accidentally receiving a Seymour Duncan Pickup Booster. The Resonance switch on the Booster engages a couple of different low value capacitors to ground. This has the effect of rolling off a little or a little more of the high end, much in the way that the capacitance of coily cords did back in the 60s.

I ran across some cheap, small steel electrical enclosures perfect for a little "pedal" version of this mod. The tip of each jack is connected through the poles of 2 SPST switches. These switches connect a 1nf and 3nf capacitor to ground.

Coily Cord Simulator Schematic
Fancy Elaborate Schematic

This gives me the choice of no capacitance, 1nf for a short cord, 3.3nf for a long one and 4.3nf in parallel when both switches are engaged for a really long cable simulation. This really only works in the historically accurate way when placed between guitar output and the first thing in your chain.

Coily Cord Simulator
It's Cute!

The flanges on this box inspire me to want to attach it to another pedal, an amp or even a beater guitar.

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